Auto Type 2.1
Auto Type 2.1 Auto Type Complete words that are typed in windows applications When a matching word his typed a list of words it displayed…
SpeedSearch 5.00
SpeedSearch is an efficient and intelligent web search agent. It can Simultaneously query multiple search engines, efficiently find MP3s…
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  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.

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Home > Babyshield software

DFIncBackup Home 1.22
This is the personal backup program for incremental backup files to zip archives. One archive can contain several root folders from…
SpyPC 7.0
SpyPC offers you rigorous access control to the internet, as well as certain parts of the PC. With SpyPC's surveillance functions, you can…
LottoMaster (6 aus 49) 1.00
Sie möchten nicht immer jede Woche die gleichen Lottozahlen tippen und Ihnen fallen nicht immer sechs unterschiedliche Zahlen Dann nut…

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