e911Pro 6.16.39
At last! A 'Pro' version of RAD Software's 911 radio dispatching program with the features of a mainframe program that would cost thousands…
Amazing Places- Austria 1.1
41 photos from the beautiful country of Austria. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 41 amazing photos of Austria and an…
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Home > Filetracer software

Instant Memory 2.0
Instant Memory is a program that can test your memory.The program has three levels, three practice styles, and nine categories to choose…
SysDate 1.42
SysDate shows the day of the month in the system tray (next to the time). This lets you see the current date with just a glance, instead of…
King Of Seas videopoker 1.0
King Of Seas videopoker game is a great way to spend your time with pleasure! Unusual graphics, pleasant music and sound effects make King…

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