Jot+ Notes 3.3.0
A powerful tool for storing information - also a replacement for MS-Cardfile. Can be used as a free form database, allowing you to store…
Sure Delete 4.1.9
Sure Delete is a tool for Windows based computers to completely remove data from your hard drive. No more worrying if your sensitive data…
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Home > Developement tool software

Martin Court Recorts 2.8.94
Martin court records tool. Search court records by state, county, court type, etc. You can search by defendant name, court location or…
President Bush Pretzel Shell Game 1.0.1
Test your luck with this hilarious game of chance, with President Bush and snack food. Watch as three shells are shuffled and one snack…
PingPlotter Standard Edition 2.60
PingPlotter Standard is a network monitoring and troubleshooting tool. It runs in the background collecting, and then allows you to quickly…

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