Time & Chaos 5.6.5
Use this contact manager to organize your telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do list for better time management, all on one…
ReadyNotes 1.0
ReadyNotes is a great way to keep all of your thoughts, notes and projects organized on your computer in an easy to access and easy to…
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programs found: 13.

1.BySoft Network Monitor 1.0 (aidsoft.com) free  BySoft Network Monitor download
size- Adapter type- MAC address- Status- Admin status- In unicast packets- Out unicast packets- In non unicast packets- Out non unicast packets- In discarded packets- Out discarded packets- In error packets- Out error packets- In unknown protocol…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Sasa Stanojevic | Size: 143 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Network Monitoring
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2.iNet Shaper 2.191 (winfiles32.com) free  iNet Shaper download
Router identifies user by IP address and by MAC address of incoming packet. Also, user can gain access to internet using logon utility included in distribution. Traffic shaper gives the posiibility of bandwidth redistribution among LAN users in case of limited internet connection speed which saves…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 90 | Author: UIP RU | Size: 4100 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Other
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3.MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics (trafficstatistic.com) free  MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics download
makes it possible to view statistics on network usage and has it's focus on payment relevent information. It reads the user's IP packages and allows to see the amount of bandwidth consumed as an icon in the system tray. So a user, who pays a volume based fee or who has a tariff with a bandwidth limit is always aware, how much traffic is already used in a bill period. Traffic…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: MZL & Novatech | Size: 4561 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Network Monitoring
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4.Omniquad Personal Firewall 1.1 (omniquad.com) free  Omniquad Personal Firewall download
computer code by controlling Internet connections to and from a user's computer, filtering inbound and outbound traffic, and alerting the user to attempted intrusions. Some of the features of Firewall are as follows: a. 4-level packet filter firewall protection for the local network /…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Daniel Sobstel | Size: 4126 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Other
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5.PRTG - Paessler Router Traffic Grapher (paessler.com) free  PRTG - Paessler Router Traffic Grapher download
port-by-port as well as device readings like memory, CPU load etc. Packet Sniffing: With its built-in Packet Sniffer PRTG can inspect all network data packets passing the network card to calculate the bandwidth usage. NetFlow: The NetFlow protocol is supported by most Cisco routers to measure bandwidth usage. An easy to use Windows solution that monitors and classifies…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 16 | Author: Dirk Paessler | Size: 9813 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Network Monitoring
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6.Stay Live 2000 2.9 (gregorybraun.com) free  Stay Live 2000 download
Connection active and on-line by periodically sending a small TCP/IP packet to one of the many Atomic Clocks maintained by the United States Government. Sending these small packets prevents your ISP from dropping your connection due to inactivity. You may also optionally select to have your…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Gregory Braun | Size: 95 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Communications > Dial Up & Connection Tools
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7.TZ Connection Booster Wizard (trackzapper.com) free  TZ Connection Booster Wizard download
the path to a remote host (MTU discovery procedure), thus avoid packet fragmentation & performance problems. Detecting bad routers ( Black hole routers) that may prevent MTU discovery procedure to be completed correctly. Adjusts RWIN to the best size settings for your system. Configure the TTL (Time To Live) value that defines how long a packet can stay active before being…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 256 | Author: Ahmad Ayman | Size: 564 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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8.Zilla Internet Connection Accelerator (ZillaSoft.ws) free  Zilla Internet Connection Accelerator download
the path to a remote host (MTU discovery procedure), thus avoid packet fragmentation & performance problems. Detecting bad routers ( Black hole routers) that may prevent MTU discovery procedure to be completed correctly. Adjusts RWIN to the best size settings for your system. Configure the TTL (Time To Live) value that defines how long a packet can stay active before being…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 304 | Author: Ahmad Elbanhawy | Size: 3331 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Browser Tools
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9.Fping 2.13 (kwakkelflap.com) free  Fping download
for echolocation by submarines, although some say ping stands for "Packet InterNet Grouper". Ping sends a small packet of information containing an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to a specified computer, which then sends an ECHO_REPLY packet in return. The ping program then evaluates this…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1313 | Author: Wouter Dhondt | Size: 50 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Other
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10.Jetico Personal Firewall (jetico.com) free  Jetico Personal Firewall download
Personal Firewall protects your computer from unwanted hacker's attacks from outside as well as from malicious programs "living" secretly inside your computer's memory and hard drive. Three levels of protection are included: low-level network packets filtering, application-level network events filtering and filtering of user-level process activity. Jetico Personal…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Jetico Inc. | Size: 2744 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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11.MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics (trafficstatistic.com) free  MZL & Novatech Traffic Statistics download
makes it possible to view statistics on network usage and has it's focus on payment relevent information. It reads the user's IP packages and allows to see the amount of bandwidth consumed as an icon in the system tray. So a user, who pays a volume based fee or who has a tariff with a bandwidth limit is always aware, how much traffic is already used in a bill period. Traffic…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: MZL & Novatech | Size: 4561 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Network Monitoring
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12.iNet Shaper 2.191 (winfiles32.com) free  iNet Shaper download
Router identifies user by IP address and by MAC address of incoming packet. Also, user can gain access to internet using logon utility included in distribution. Traffic shaper gives the posiibility of bandwidth redistribution among LAN users in case of limited internet connection speed which saves…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 24 | Author: UIP RU | Size: 4100 kb | Freeware
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13.CPU 1.001 (SinnerComputing.com) free  CPU download
is a Cost Per Unit calculator to assist in deciding what product and packet size is the best value for money. The window stays on top and there are two independent calculations shown to make comparing prices easier. It is written in Assembly Language for maximum efficency. CPU is a Cost Per Unit…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Andrew Glina | Size: 14 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Business > Calculators & Converters
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Cheap Online Auto Insurance by Cheap Auto For info on Cheap Online Auto Insurance visit our Cheap Auto Insurance website. enjoy th…
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