Real-time Foreign Exchanger 2.11
Get the real-time foreign exchange rate among 151 different currencies with a conversion calculator included.
CPU 1.001
CPU is a Cost Per Unit calculator to assist in deciding what product and packet size is the best value for money. The window stays on top…
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Myfree Classifieds Affiliate Kit 1.0.0
Myfree Classifieds affiliate partner program. 25% commissions on direct sales, 5% commission on downline sales. Earn an additional income…
Space Hound 32 3.0.583
Sniff out wasted space with The Best Duplicate File Finder available. Space Hound 32 eliminates duplicate and unused files that are…
Nice Girls Show 1.2
Are you a real connoisseur of beautiful female body? Like springy lofty and lush woman's tits? Enjoy a shapely figure, smooth skin and long…

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