kaztrix DataBuilder 1.0
KazTrix DataBuilder 1.0 is the ultimate database designer/publisher. It allows novice and expert users to build databases of all kinds and…
Loan Advisor 1.06
Loan Advisor allows you to analyze and optimize your loan. Learn how to pay off your loan sooner & save money at the same time. View…
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Home > Cataloguer software

Easy Reminder 1.1
ezReminder is a reminder software for Windows. In a simple and easy way, you will never forget your important tasks, meetings and…
Dialog Box Assistant 2.1
Dialog Box Assistant greatly speeds up access to your favorite folders and files. It extends the standard Windows Open and Save dialog…
Bati Replace 0.9.9
Replacing text in multiple VB projects is no longer tedious. Find and select your project files using a subdirectory search, select the…

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