Academic Pocket Lines 1.30
Academic Pocket Lines is our implementation of a well known "Lines" game for a mobile computers. It is a quite addictive mind game where…
Cardfile index - cardfile program from Freedom Software 2.3
Cardfile index program. Windows software combining a PIM, contact manager, cardfile, Rolodex program to organize your information
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Home > Recognition software

2M Puzzles Letters 1.3c US
An entertaining puzzle game of words and letters. 250,000 Words Dictionary ! Appealing high quality graphics. Full color and full size…
Harbinger 1.00
Harbinger is a time series forecaster and benchmarking application for Windows that uses neural networks to model the behavior of any…
Crossword Construction Kit 4.0b
Create professional puzzles with Crossword Construction Kit. Enter words and clues, select a puzzle shape and page layout, and generate the…

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