Music Catalogue 4.5
Music Catalogue help you to organize all your music - old records, cd, mp3 or tapes - in one complete solution. You can store information…
Chat Module - Match service builder 2.1
Allows users of the site to chat... to create private rooms, where they can discuss different problems or question in real-time...
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Home > Typist software

Silent Spy 2.0.4
Activity monitoring for network or home use, report on all user activity. Detailed activity recording including keystrokes and graphical…
Code Library for .NET 6.4.1490
The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and use the code snippets. As a result, you can build a programs faster.
FasType Typing Tutorial 6.0
FasType is essential for computer users who want to become more productive with their PC by learning how to touch type. FasType shows a 3D…

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