Ringtones 1.0
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Batch TIFF Resizer 1.46
Batch TIFF Resizer which resize and converts single and multi page tiff images, BMP and JPEG to TIFF or PDF files or spilt multipage tiff…
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TigerTerm 8.1e
TigerTerm provides fast, accurate terminal emulation including VT, ANSI, Wyse, IBM 3270 & 5250 types connecting to UNIX, VMS and IBM system…
Attribute Manager 2.31
Ever need to change attributes (date and time of their creation etc.) of files and folders? Quickly? As you know, with Windows it's tedious…
FadeToBlack 2.1.1
Quickly and easily join, split, crop, modify color, rotate, overlay, blur your AVI video files, along with sequences of JPG and BMP images…

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