PresenterSoft MediaEasy
A powerful multimedia authoring tool that allows you to create web-based streaming video presentations including PowerPoint slides, images…
MemCheck Pro 3.0
MemCheck Pro automatically monitors and Optimizes System Resources. Features include Optimization of lost Resources for System, User and…
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programs found: 68.

Make perfect-quality backup copies of all your DVD movies using your own dvd burner. Keep the same sound & video quality when you backup your DVD with all the special features, menus, subtitles, and languages included. Supports copy-protected DVDs, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-R(W), DVD+R(W), DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 273 | Author: mahmoud omran | Size: 5507 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Video Tools
Similar programs
2.WinMP3Locator 4.0 ( free  WinMP3Locator download
server to download from. WinMP3Locator can then pass the link(s) to any/all the files to your preferred download manager (most popular download managers supported: ReGet, GetRight, Go!Zilla), FTP-client (most popular FTP-clients supported: FTP Voyager, CuteFTP) or browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera) for download. WinMP3Locator can also pass the links…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: ReGet Software | Size: 775 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Search/Lookup Tools
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3.NotesHolder Lite 1.33 ( free  NotesHolder Lite download
NotesHolder lets you quickly type in any piece of information so that you can easily find it when you need, read it or print it out for your convenience. This is the most effective way to store all your notes without cluttering up your desk with PostIt and sticky notes. Unlike the other similar…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: A!K Research Labs | Size: 1093 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Business > PIMS & Calendars
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4.Optimik 2.36b ( free  Optimik download
If you need to cut or shear : - Fibreboards ... - Steel and stainless steel sheets ... - Polycarbonate boards - Glass panes - And other square materials ... and you spend hours of work and thinking in trying to achieve the most optimum arrangement of individual parts on the material sheet…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 821 | Author: Rastislav Korytar | Size: 2481 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > CAD
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5.sqlDESKTOP 1.13 ( free  sqlDESKTOP download
Excel files etc..) in a database and lets you : - Add reminder's, To Do's with start / end date -Categorize and locate information quickly by using keywords. -Annotate any cataloged item to add additional information. -Search by multiple criteria to locate cataloged items. -Make off line (removable) media as an integral part of cataloged items. If you access a document…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Rene LEVANTINH | Size: 19401 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Business > Databases & Tools
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6.AscToTab 4.0 ( free  AscToTab download
AscToTab is a free utility that converts *plain* text and comma-separated or tab-delimited text files containing table data into tables. The program can create either HTML or RTF tables with the output written to file. For HTML tables the output can be direct to the clipboard, ready to paste into a HTML…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 558 | Author: John A Fotheringham | Size: 1066 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Web Development > Site Administration
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7.Chilkat Create Self-Extracting EXE from Zip 8.1.0 ( free  Chilkat Create Self-Extracting EXE from Zip download
is regarded by security experts as being unsecure. Chilkat's streaming compression and encryption technology allows the ChilkatZip Self-Extractor to create an EXE from any size ZIP file. The streaming compression and decryption technology also ensures that it will be possible to unzip the archive on your end-user's computer, even if that computer has very little…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Matt Fausey | Size: 300 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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8.CVSChangeLogBuilder 2.2 ( free  CVSChangeLogBuilder download
cvschangelogbuilder is an Perl utility to generate ChangeLogs for a project hosted on a CVS server. The main goal is to provide a better output that the 'cvs log' command, to permit to choose the sorting criteria, to add the status of the change (added,removed,modified) and to allow "differential" changelogs…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 16 | Author: Laurent Destailleur | Size: 125 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Development > Other
Similar programs
9.QUIZ 3.4.1 ( free  QUIZ download
QUIZ is a study tool. You can train a topic by collecting questions in a file and then answer them repetitively. With Quiz, you can build and administer objective tests using either multiple choice or fill-the-blanks questions. More then one correct answer is allowed. It is possible to build timed tests and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 39 | Author: Luzius Schneider | Size: 4228 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Education > Teaching & Training Tools
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10.3D Soma Puzzle Freeware 1.1 ( free  3D Soma Puzzle Freeware download
3D Soma Puzzle is a three-dimensional logic game that challenges you to assemble various figures with the colored irregular blocks. The puzzle seems to be simple but great variety of solutions for each shape (the simplest figure - cube can be solved by 240 essentially different methods) makes it really…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Yav Games | Size: 768 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Puzzle & Word Games
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11.Casino Casinos ( free  Casino Casinos download
Your Casino in your PC, where you can choose your game and play for the fun. Casino Casinos lets you play casino games on your PC for fun or for real money. You simply download the games you wish to play after downloading the basic environment. Casino Casinos is available in 16 different languages. This new Casino Casinos lets you play casino games on your PC for fun or for real money…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Bill Church | Size: 104 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Casino & Gambling
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12.Free Tetrix 1.09.1 ( free  Free Tetrix download
Free Tetrix is a highly advanced Tetris clone featuring advanced game play and great design. Game interface features cool graphics (chiseled game screen, various block looks), awesome background sounds (high quality sound effects and delightful MIDI musical scores organized in playlists) and an ever lasting…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 39 | Author: Alexandr Samsonov | Size: 1306 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Other
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13.AWicons Lite 9.3.0 ( free  AWicons Lite download
User interfaces are getting better and better every year. The most important part of any good graphical user interface is iconic graphics. A small image that takes only a couple dozens of pixels can sometimes have more meaning than a paragraph of text. Due to the nature of imagery perception icons create the…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 161 | Author: Neil Sagitov | Size: 3628 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Editors
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14.Bigle 3D 3.33 ( free  Bigle 3D download
that contain the 3D information: So more an area is dark, so more it's far away. Everything is realised in a Wizard. You can save your stereogram under the main images format (BMP, PNG, JPG, TIFF…) and open even more types of images to create them. Bigle 3D is a stereogram generator. To create you…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Werner BEROUX | Size: 1397 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Converters & Optimizers
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15.Gadwin PrintScreen 3.1.1052 ( free  Gadwin PrintScreen download
Want to create a screenshot suitable for saving or printing? Then just hit a key on your keyboard. Oh yeah, you'll have to download this program first. There are several hotkey combos to choose from. Once you've chosen your favorite combo, head to the Destination tab and have the screen print out instantly…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1568 | Author: Gadwin Systems, Inc. | Size: 1093 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Graphic Apps > CAD
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16.PixGrabber Free 1.1.23 ( free  PixGrabber Free download
PixGrabber is not just a handy image viewer but also a powerful tool for image archive managing. Images can be collected from various sources, including: Internet, Hard Drive, CDs, etc. Pixgrabber will guard you from annoying ads and allow you to avoid viewing the same pages recurrently. PixGrabber gathers…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Alex Akimov | Size: 4296 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Network & Internet > Browsers
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17.AceMoney Lite 3.8.3 ( free  AceMoney Lite download
or pie charts. Now you can really find out just where last month's paychecks went! Find all your withdrawals and deposits by any parameter. Do on-line banking: download and import information from on-line banks in QIF, OFC and OFX formats. If you run a small business, export your data to HTML, XML, Text and CSV formats to generate statements or perform complex statistical analysis…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 100 | Author: MechCAD Software | Size: 1414 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Business > Accounting & Finance
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18.Legacy Family Tree 5.0 ( free  Legacy Family Tree download
for anyone in your family file among billions of names. Legacy's merge capabilities are second-to-none among genealogy programs. The IntelliShare feature makes it easy for groups of two or more people to coordinate their works and stay caught up on each other's changes. Legacy offers extensive multimedia support including pictures, sound clips, and videos. These can be…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 233 | Author: Ken McGinnis | Size: 17055 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Home & Hobby > Other
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19.TimeLeft 3.14 ( free  TimeLeft download
TimeLeft is attractive, easy to use, and highly configurable - it's a really beautiful software. The main feature of TimeLeft is a powerful customizable reminder, which can alarm you at a specific moment of time or run periodically (minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annually). It can also…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1176 | Author: NesterSoft Company | Size: 1562 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Desktop > Clocks & Alarms
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20.123 Flash Chat Server Software Windows Client 1.3 ( free  123 Flash Chat Server Software Windows Client download
Full-featured,high-performance 123FlashChat can integrate user db in forums or portals & has the most customized skin! It allows you to organize chat-events, collaborative work sessions or online meetings stably. With this exe client, even those members who unfortunately don't have flash player on their…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 16 | Author: Daniel Jiang | Size: 1329 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Communications > Chat & Instant Messaging
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Home > Burglary software

Ovulation Calendar 1.0
A handy program that calculates the time of ovulation and creates your personal fertility calendar, allowing you to choose the gender of…
Solid Capture 2.1
Why learn a complex program for a simple task? Solid Capture lets you capture screen images in seconds with minimal effort. You can easily…
Secure Image Pro 4.0
Copy protect the images on your web site and CD using image encryption and domain lock. Secure Image Pro is recommended image protection…

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