MSN Color Selector MSN Color Selector allows for the selection of a different font color for messages sent in Messenger conversations other than the default
Network and Dial-up Password Revealer 1.2 This password recovery tool helps the user to display logins and passwords for access to Internet, LAN, or to other computers as well as
JavaC Booster 1.1 JavaC Booster is an extension of Java Compiler (also known as JavaC) for Windows 32 systems. Using a permanent running copy of JVM lets
MSBlast Remover 1.1 MS Blast remover is a free utility that can quickly scan your system to detect and remove the W32.Blaster.Worm. This lightweight
DG Work 1.0 Draw schematic and simple PCB in one and two layers. Good abilities for changing component parameters. Printing any layer or components