Bills Pie Toss 1.1
Step right up for a chance to toss a pie at your favorite Billionaire! In each of three scenes, Bill is there to have fun with you and help…
CastlePaste 1.02.4
CastlePaste allows you to easily paste any text you want into the active program. It follows the currently active window, so it is always…
Example:  KaZaA
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1st Screensaver PowerPoint Studio
to create your own personalized screen saver using your PowerPoint 97 or later presentations and sounds easily.
Alert Bookmarks 10.0
Alert Bookmarks keeps track of your favorite Web sites, and automatically validates them as you work. Alert replaces the bookmark function…
Winvestigator 2.4
Winvestigator starts on boot, and runs undetectable in Windows capturing keystrokes, URL's, mouse-clicks, and screen shots to an…

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