Advanced Find and Replace 2.3
Search files with smart queries as with AltaVista, replace simple or multiline text in multiple files. The batch replace operation easily…
Address Organizer Deluxe 2.5
Complete address software that will help you organize personal or business addresses, emails, phones, WEB pages. Easily View, Retrieve…
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Home > Thumbnail generator software

Time Zone Helper 3.5
See an email's time zone and current time with just one click, and generate a time zone chart with one more click! Don't wake your boss at…
SchedulerLite 1.3
Staff rostering, employee scheduling and booking software featuring both pictorial and spreadsheet style views of a roster, recording and…
Direct MP3 Joiner
Direct MP3 Joiner is easy and fast tool for join, merge or combine MP3 With Direct MP3 Joiner you can join multiple MP3 files to one…

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