Website-Scripts 1
Website-Scripts is a large PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript, Java and ASP script directory site. All Web scripts have been categorised into many…
TrekTrak 1.0.5
TrekTrak is a powerful database for managing URLs. It can be used alongside any browser and provides close integration with Internet…
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Home > Send to software

ApacheConf 4.1
ApacheConf is a shell (GUI) for configuring Apache web servers that will help you to tune the main configuration httpd.conf file…
Virdi Advanced Mail Processor 1.8.2
Vamp is an advanced and very versatile mail processor. You can extract and collate data from the message body, filter on any header field… 1.01 is a freeware that allows you to send text sms messages from your PC to mobile phones all over the world. You can set the…

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