Stock Quotes Pro 1.17
Stock Quotes Pro instantly downloads end-of-day historical quotes of stocks, indices and mutual funds publicly traded in US, Canada and…
World Empire V 5.0
The newest entry in the award-winning global strategy game series from Viable Software. New realistic maps with 205 countries, country…
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Home > File cleaner software

WebExe 1.55
WebExe will convert a single HTML page, or group of pages, into a standalone self-running EXE file with integrated browser. Users are given…
AtClock 1.2
AtClock replaces Windows taskbar clock adding skins support in to clock display, atomic (exact) time servers time synchronization via…
Defragmenter Lite 3.1
Does your screen saver interfere when you defrag your hard disks? Does “Drive's content changed: restarting ...” sound…

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