Weights And Measures Plus 3.1
WAM+ is a unique Unit Converter that will input and output either Decimals or Fractions. It also does Trigonometry, Temperature, Roman…
Air Messenger LAN Server 6.7.6
The Air Messenger LAN Server is a great investment for companies that run a large sales force or dispatch centers. All sales people or d…
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Home > Form tool software

PVL - Print Preview Library
PVL is an easy to use graphics library primarily intended for C++ developers who need to build the print preview for their applications in…
ActMon STARR Computer and Internet Monitoring *PRO Edition* 3.27a
All-round, Computer and Internet Monitoring software tool. It allows companies and individuals to track the use of PCs easily and…
AST Classic Screensaver 1.0.0.
Serious fun! Stunning Classic clock Screen Saver.This nice screensaver is big round analog clock (see screen shot). It also has ticking…

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