Traffic Log 1.0
Traffic Log is a web statistics script. Traffic Log enables you to track hits and unique visitors, hits by page, by date, browser and…
Network Password Changer 1.0
Changes password on multiple computers centrally. Ideal for centrally changing the Local Administrator password on a group of…
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Home > Demonstar software

WebLoader 1.13 1.13
The given program is intended for the Internets - users having access to a network by means of dial-up. To save your time and money we…
Very Easy Invoicing 4.0.0
Very Easy Invoicing is absolutely the easiest invoice or invoicing software on the market designed for home-based and/or small business…
Exl-Plan Free (UK-I) 2.7
Business plan projections for startups and established businesses. For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc…

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