DBPix - The Image Control for Access. Add Images to Access, Easily and Efficiently. Avoid storage overhead, complex coding and all common…
Active Task Manager 1.61
A compact automaton tool to set up and run unattended tasks. It starts exe, bat and com-files, shuts down the system and displays…
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Home > Split wav software

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Home > Split wav software

Cursor Hider 1.4.4
Cursor Hider helps you to work more productively. It removes the mouse pointer from the working position (so that the mouse cursor does not…
Manic Minefields (for Windows) 2.1.5
Manic Minefields is really 12 pumped up minesweeping games in one, as it features 12 uniquely designed minefields with beautiful graphics…
NotePager Net 3.7
Network paging software that allows for group paging, on-call messaging, scheduled paging, preprogrammed messages, and repeating messages…

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