SkyWander WebBrowser 4.17
SkyWander webbrowser is a powerful mult window browser "popup killer,"auto fill form", "strong collector"(link images,scripts,source…
Beautiful Cactus 3.0
Beautiful flowering cactus show to an accompaniment of an acoustically based digital soundtrack, and all images are captioned.
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Arbitrage software

Harbinger 1.00
Harbinger is a time series forecaster and benchmarking application for Windows that uses neural networks to model the behavior of any…
Dogpile Search Toolbar 2.0.1
The Free Dogpile Toolbar serves as both a way to get relevant information right from your browser as well as a Popup Blocker to stop those…
Windows and Doors 1.00
This screen saver includes 59 copyrighted photographs by Izhar Perlman.The photographs show windows and doors in Portugal, with their…

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