Turbo Browser Express 3.0
Turbo Browser Express is a superb file management and viewer program with a set of the most comprehensive built-in viewers. It is the only…
Slide Librarian Pro 2.40
Excellent database program for cataloguing your slide collection. Include slide thumbnails and full-sized images in the database - see all…
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Home > Secret software

Trout's Internet Clock 1.6
Desktop Clock, Scheduler and Time Liven up your desktop with clocks of any shape, size, color. Schedule multimedia, text rem…
Guiding Hand 2.1
In search of a little guidance? Sometimes we need a little insight into what this life is about. Over the centuries people have used forms…
Advanced Emailer 3.0
Advanced Emailer is intended for sending electronic mail utilizing mailing lists. It is a great tool for anyone who needs to send…

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