SpoolMyMail 2.50.0008
- Requires no mail - Check email addresses when you collect them - Send personalized mailings in a matter of minutes - Send emails…
RiadaBillboard 1.13
RiadaBillboard: Complete web slideshow/banner rotation environment. Rotate banners, slideshows, advertisements, images, photos, billboards…
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programs found: 5.

1.Computers Hall 2.11 (ruslan.odessa.ua) free  Computers Hall download
of reports, analyses of operation of club; · The base of reports is ciphered by modern symmetric algorithms of encoding; · The Base of reports has mechanisms of selfrecovery; · It is possible to see the list of active processes by client machines, to delete them and to conduct the report on their…
Updated: 3, 2005 | Rating: 16 | Author: Ruslan Scherbatuk | Size: 1798 kb | Demo
Go to category: Business > Other
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2.HTML Password Encryption 4.20.02 (htmlguardian.org) free  HTML Password Encryption download
Encryption algorithm used is much stronger than the 128 bit cipher used in todays browsers and considered secure enough for online credit card payments. Option to enter the password only once for all protected files. Customizable encrypted files layout. You can use one or more passwords.Many additional security options are available. For more information visit…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Roger Crain | Size: 3348 kb | Demo
Go to category: Servers > Other Server Applications
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3.HTML Password Encryption 4.20.02 (htmlguardian.org) free  HTML Password Encryption download
Encryption algorithm used is much stronger than the 128 bit cipher used in todays browsers and considered secure enough for online credit card payments. Option to enter the password only once for all protected files. Customizable encrypted files layout. You can use one or more passwords.Many additional security options are available. For more information visit…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Roger Crain | Size: 3348 kb | Demo
Go to category: Servers > Other Server Applications
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4.OldMovie 1.30n (v-d-l.com) free  OldMovie download
A commercial plugin (only $19.95) with which you can transform all your digitized images into photographs and films of the old days. Add grain, shade the images into a monochrome palette, defocus, brighten or darken the edges, add highly configurable scratches, hairs and spots of dust and fat. Jittering…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 1321 | Author: Martijn Lee, van der | Size: 649 kb | Demo
Go to category: Graphic Apps > Other
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5.QuickScore Elite Level II 11.0 (sionsoft.com) free  QuickScore Elite Level II download
Elite Level II is Sion Software's premier music composition and notation software - incorporating scoring, arranging, MIDI and audio sequencing and recording. Use it to create publication-quality scores, musical content for the desktop and world wide web, audio CDs, MP3s and soundtracks for film, video and games. This is the program that Electronic Magazine awarded their 1995…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Cris Sion | Size: 4338 kb | Demo
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Multimedia Creation Tools
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Home > Cipher software

NYC Real Property Database 8.2
The NYC Real Property Database contains information on every property in New York City including everything in Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn…
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA (ME) for Mac OS X 1.1 Modeler Edition
SDE for IntelliJ IDEA is a UML modeling tool tightly integrated with IntelliJ IDEA. You can capture requirements, draw all types of UML…
ArtixMedia Menu Studio [Christmas Ed.] 3.71
ArtixMedia Menu Studio [Christmas Edition] is multimedia CD creation tool, with a wide variety of options intended for special CD-gifts…

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