Songs-DB 1.2
Songs-DB is a skinnable music manager which takes care of large collections of MP3, WMA, audio CDs,... It can scan, play, convert, grab…
Teaching Templates 2.3.0
A set of award-winning authoring tools to help you create interactive exercises, tests and quizzes. The exercises can be put on a Web page…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Ice software

Advent is a green ring with 4 candles on top of it. The fist candle will be lit up four weeks before christmas, the second three weeks…
Room Plan Operator 2.0
The RP Operator does exactly what it is said - it helps you to plan your room, and decides how to arrange all of your things to make best…
Country Flavors Screensaver 4.50
Take a virtual walk in the country with the Country Flavors Screensaver from Burns Photography. Featuring 28 shots of countryside scenes…

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