Spellbound 6.0
The Ultimate Pagan Software! A must have resource for all pagans and anybody into wicca! Within this program you will find information on…
RapidKey Autotext 1.6
Rapid Key for Windows XP,2000,2003,NT,ME,9x provides you with a new Windows functionality: After starting RapidKey you find the RapidKey…
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Home > Modified software

SuperSaver 1.3
The SuperSaver screensaver features SuperZero the SuperHero, dancing over the screen with up to 32 clones. If you let them dance long…
AquaDeluxe 4.07
Watch as photographic quality fish swim across your screen, plants sway, bubbles rise and all within a beautifully decorated tank…
PerformanceTest 6.0
Easy to use, award winning, benchmark testing software for Windows. Allows a comparison to be made between the computer under test and a…

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