CompressionMaster Suite 2.70
CompressionMaster Suite is the most advanced data compression library available for Delphi and C++ Builder. The Suite includes three…
PHP Lightning Portal (PLP) 2.1
PLP is an easy-to-use program that will help you manage your portal website. Some common areas of PLP usage: realty management, auto…
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Home > Kraisoft software

New Contact Developer 1.17
New Contact Developer Searches for new contacts, Company name, phone/fax, email address, description and other data and allows y…
Bandwidth Controller Standard 1.07
Bandwidth management and traffic shaping software for Windows 2000 and XP. Take control of your network traffic by limiting the data rates…
010 Memorizer 1.0
010 Memorizer is a powerful program for memorizing numbers. The system works by converting a number into a word or phrase that creates a…

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