Email Saver Xe 1.7
Email Saver Xe is a backup and synchronization tool for your email database ( messages, address book, contacts, accounts, etc ). Works with…
VideoMan 3.0
Compose a movie with sound, titles, transitions and dynamic effects. Import clips directly from DV camera or video capture board. Export to…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Device broker software

jpg2pdf 2.4
jpg2pdf is a very flexible and powerful program. It can convert a collection of jpeg images into a unique PDF.
Mail UnKnown Anti-Spam 1.532
Stop spam with Mail UnKnown. Mail UnKnown uses a Verify then Validate method giving you control of emails you receive. Emails are held…
nnCron 1.91b12
Advanced scheduler, reminder and automation manager with powerful scripting language. It can start applications, display messages, dial and…

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