Yapp the project calculator 2.0
Yapp the project calculator, Keep track of what to do and who's doing it. Rule based planning allows you to get some real help and not only…
Idaho Genealogy Databases 7.0.54
Idaho genealogy databases - Access Idaho genealogy databases now! If you ever wanted to research your family tree and trace your…
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EXEsafe 2
EXEsafe allows you to encrypt and put a lock on a program file, such as a game, or your office software, using a password, the time, or…
AeroTags TagsLock Pro 2.50
TagsLock Pro is designed to protect Web site content with password, encrypt HTML files and block email extractors. Encryption helps you…
CopGun 4.14.16
Are you a Firearms Instructor for your agency? CopGun is the perfect answer for you if you are looking for a powerful and easy way to enter…

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