CapiCall 4.54
ISDN-based voicemail and information software with touch-tone controlled Based on the German version, an English Language Pack is ava…
Job Site Creator 2.5
Job Site Creator 2.5 was created for organizations engaged in recruiting and job seeking. The site allows an easy registration as for…
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Home > Mah jongg software

Living Cookbook 1.0
Living Cookbook is a recipe management database. Manage your recipes, perform nutritional analysis, capture recipes from the Internet, and…
World Clock ScreenSaver 1.0
World Clock ScreenSaver is a Flash based free screensaver created with Flash ScreenSaver Builder that shows your local and five major time…
Scroll Image 2.0
For exploring a large image from a small window. This new scrolling viewer displays a much larger image in a smaller window.

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