TimeChimes Automated Audio Player 2.00
TimeChimes will play a sound or sounds at pre-scheduled times of day on each day of the week. Typically, TimeChimes can used to play school…
4Musics OGG Bitrate Changer 1.55
Change bitrate of OGG files in one click at high speed and Main Features: - converting in one click! - high speed; - setting r…
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Home > Access password cracker software

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programs found: 2.

1.EldoS KeyLord 4.0 (eldos.org) free  EldoS KeyLord download
KeyLord lets you arrange confidential information (passwords, account numbers, software registration keys etc.) in a tree, search through it, print it and store it in secure encrypted file (industry-standard AES encryption is used). You can store any data including binary files inside of the tree structure. You can drag information from EldoS KeyLord to other applications, print the…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: EldoS Corporation | Size: 1864 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Security & Privacy > Password Managers
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2.DA Password Recovery Pro 2.03 (deskarsenal.com) free  DA <b>Password</b> Recovery Pro download
yourself safe and secure when surfing the Net. When you enter your password on most sites, you see only asterisk signs. This feature is intended to protect your passwords; but sometimes this feature becomes more of a pain, rather than help. Let's say you are using computer at home and no one can overlook your password. You've been entering your password
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 740 | Author: DeskArsenal.com | Size: 656 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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Home > Access password cracker software

Server Maintenance Portal 3.2
IT Asset Management Software that collects hardware and software assets across the network. SMP also works with Microsoft Baseline Security…
KATE 1.10.13
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WZebra 4.2.1
A strong Othello/Reversi program from which both novices and experts can learn. Includes many different playing levels, practice session…

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