NetMarks Manager 3.0
NetMarks Manager lets you easily store and manage 1000's of web bookmarks and integrates with Internet Explorer and Firefox. Take notes…
ConversionTrack 1.2
Software designed to analyze web log and generate professional report on visitor's conversion rates. Increase ROI of your online business…
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Home > Mdi side panel software

Active Desktop Calendar 5.99
This fully customizable calendar for Windows displays its data on the desktop wallpaper using icons and text. It features interactive…
Canopy of Green 1.0
A nature screensaver. Relax awhile in a forest of greenery. Enjoy the atmosphere created by this soothing screensaver. Accompanied by…
Servers Alive 5.1.1964
Servers Alive automatically monitors critical server functions and processes even when data center is closed. Notification features alert…

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