True Test Writer 5.09
Write large numbers of high quality questions from current class activities. The question editor prompts for a seven-part paragraph that is…
Securibook 1.1
Do you have some personal information which you don't want to share with other people? Do you find it is so troublesome to find a useful…
Example:  KaZaA
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Flash Decompiler - Eltima SWF to FLA Converter 2.6
Convert SWF to FLA and restore original FLA. Export SWF resources in JPEG, MP3, WAV and Flash Video into AVI. Decode ActionScripts and view…
SP Dialer 1.40
Award winning 3 in 1 solution - advanced Internet dialer, time synchronizer and proxy server. It can redial multiple lines, restore broken…
Archive Search 1.11
Nice tool allows you to search for files inside compressed archives. Supports most important formats used on the PC including: zip, lzh…

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