WordZap Deluxe 6.00
WordZap(R) 6.00 is a Shareware word game where you race your computer opponent to create the most unique words from a given set of letters…
Ticket Operator
Ticket Operator software (Trouble Ticketing System) is the complete unmatched help desk solution for small to medium sized businesses. It…
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Home > Borland c software

MailGrab 2.03
MailGrab is a command-line POP3 reader supporting binary attachments.
500 Club 1.00
Meet Julianne Giffin, play the card game Five Hundred (500) online against your friends or the computer, visit the Message Forum.
MovieStars Sketcher 1.0
Have a look at the new appearance of Hollywood celebrities - bright and entertaining sketches will save your screen and give you some…

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