RSIGuard Stretch Edition 4.0
RSIGuard is an ergonomic tool for the prevention of Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, deQuervain's, tendinitis etc.)…
Chilkat SMTP Visual C++ Library 4.4.4
Email Visual C++ Library for SMTP / POP3 with S/MIME for signed and encrypted mail, attachments, HTML, Auto-Zip and Unzip attachments, XML…
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Home > Antispam software

iMiser Research Assistant 3.1
Add Permanence to the Web with this award-winning software! Save and organize Web pages, links, e-mail, images, selected text, newsgroup…
ScrabbleScam 1.3
Show all possible moves in a game of Scrabble in order of points scored. Type in the words already on the board, the seven tiles in the…
12Ghosts Backup 7.10
Keep every change of your documents while you are working on them! Automatically store changed versions in an archive folder and apply a…

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