Lotto Creo Professional 4.0.4
Software works by using a full and abbreviated wheeling system with filters, graph... A wheeling system is the most important function that…
OpenX for Oracle 7,8i 2.0.2
OpenX component is a set of interfaces for data access that provides universal data integration over an enterprise's network. OpenX…
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Home > Etc right into your vb executable software

AfalinaSoft XL Report for Delphi 4.2.123
EXCELlent reports with minimal coding. Save your time. Get impressive ONLY 3 minutes and EXACTLY ONE LINE of code and multiple s…
FastPaste 1.90
FastPaste does save your time. Paste frequently used text, formatted text and images with custom hotkeys! Makes it easy to enter frequently…
Junk-Out for Outlook 2003/2002/2000 1.0
Junk-Out is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook that uses statistical (Bayesian) techniques to filter out junk e-mail (i.e. SPAM) from incoming…

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