Blaiz Enterprises - Animated ArtCard Creations Package 2.00.1390
Create unique, framed, 24bit color, animated musical ArtCards, standalone .exe no supportive software, WYSIWYG environment, multiple…
123 Flash Chat Server Software Windows Client 1.3
With this exe client, even those members who unfortunately don't have flash player on their machines can enjoy 123 flash chat now! By…
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Home > Worksheet software

12Ghosts ProfileCopy 7.10
Administer Windows user profiles. This includes user defined settings, like your wallpaper, sound schemes, desktop icons, start menu items…
WinPedit 5.10
WinPedit is the Windows version of the DOS era Pedit Once acquainted with a good DOS editor, it will out perform any Windows edito…
Guitar Power - PalmOS Edition 1.1.0
The Ultimate Scale, Chord and Arpeggio Reference for Guitarists. Guitar Power is an interactive learning system. Quickly and easily use…

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