MacroToolbar, Standard Edition 6.30
The program allows user to create macros working in any Windows application and run them on single mouse click from customizable toolbar…
Easy Appointment Scheduling Easy-to-use appointment scheduling software that makes organizing your day, saving time, and increas…
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Home > Packets software

Cryn The Dark Reflection 1.1
Cryn The Dark Reflection is a 2D RPG role playing game, including high resolution 2D effects, digital music, and 24bit graphics. A true…
Employee Task Scheduling for up to One Year with Excel 1.4
Assign 50 daily tasks to 20 people for one year with up to three tasks per person per day. Individual schedules, task schedules and…
The League System Standard 1
This sports league/tournament management software has been designed to help League/Tournament Managers setup and track the results of…

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