VLFullScreen 1.0
Add full screening ability to your VB application with this drop-in full screening control. Believe us, you won't need to write even a sin…
BugCollector Pro 4.1
BugCollector Pro is a powerful, multi-user database specifically designed for keeping track of software bugs and feature requests. Includes…
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Home > Developement tool software

BubbleFrame 1.0
BubbleFrame is an alternative to the sandard VB frame and panel with more styles, captions, subcaptions, and other features
Task Plus Professional 4.3.0
Task Plus Professional is a powerful multi-user scheduling calendar handling up to 100 simultaneous users on a local area network. A color…
FileAnt 20050830
FileAnt is a File Manager on tabs, it is also an Ftp Client and has nice features such as folder pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used…

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