Windows Defender 1.0
With a few simple clicks you can customize Windows Defender to protect your files and personal settings. Each time a program, website or…
WebCloner Pro Offline Browser 2.5
WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser, and e-book compiler. You can use it to scan, download, browse and…
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Home > Bookmark software

TextPipe Pro 7.6.3
Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line…
httpExplorer 2.1
Used to examine unaltered http requests and responses intercepted with and without proxy. There are several views for the data. Raw view…
Zen Puzzle Garden 1.2
Each puzzle in Zen Puzzle Garden is a Japanese rock garden which can be solved by raking all of the sand. The player controls a little monk…

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