Advanced RTF2PDF Converter 1.0
Advanced RTF2PDF Converter is a specialized application for quickly and easily convertion RTF and TXT files to PDF documents. Simply…
Active Task Manager 1.61
A compact automaton tool to set up and run unattended tasks. It starts exe, bat and com-files, shuts down the system and displays…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Search sites software

BKS synchronizes computers, disks and folders. Files can be copied, compressed or encrypted With the Incrmental mode synchronization is do…
Tipsy Clock Screensaver 1.20
Tipsy Clock is a skinnable digital clock, which randomly and smoothly moves across the screen. You can write your own text message which…
Golden Eye 4.11
Golden Eye is designed to monitor and record all the activity on your computer. With Golden Eye, you can easily know how your PC is being…

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