Break Reminder 3.8.8
Break Reminder is designed to prevent and assist convalscence of OOS/RSI. Runs in the background monitoring computer use, giving…
7-Zip 4.32
7-Zip is a file archiver with the highest compression ratio. The program supports 7z, ZIP, RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, CHM, CPIO, RPM, DEB, GZIP…
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Home > Dial up connection software

Equiv 2.0
Equiv is a program for the symmetry analysis of reflections, from single crystal diffraction data collection.
ZoomOpen 3.0
Animated zooming window effects. Configure from one of sixteen open effects, and choose from the same number of close effects. Select…
Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Linux 5.1
Visual Paradigm for UML is a cross-platform UML modeling tool that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. VP-UML supports all UML diagrams…

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