Foboz - Meta Search Engine 1.50
The Foboz Meta Search engine allows you to search many different web search engines at once and will remember your results. You can search…
Guitar Power 1.10
The Ultimate Scale, Chord and Arpeggio Reference for Guitarists. Guitar Power is an interactive learning system. Quickly and easily use…
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programs found: 8.

1.RIP Vinyl 3.38 ( free  RIP Vinyl download
automatically detects tracks while recording, and can record 78 RPM records on a 45 RPM turntable. You can also Record Streaming Audio if your sound card supports it. The software now supports a peak VU meter, and the main UI and installation has been translated into Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. You can also get help at the touch…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1111 | Author: Anthony Wieser | Size: 577 kb | Demo
Go to category: Audio & Multimedia > Audio File Recorders
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2.CVSChangeLogBuilder 2.2 ( free  CVSChangeLogBuilder download
holidays, you can build a changelog ready to be included in your rpm %changelog section with correct format, see how many commits were done on a particular file with no need scan the 'cvs rlog' output, etc... cvschangelogbuilder is also an easy to use command line interface (perl tool). cvschangelogbuilder offer 4 kinds of output: listdeltaforrpm To build a changelog to include in a…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 16 | Author: Laurent Destailleur | Size: 125 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Development > Other
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3.7-Zip 4.32 ( free  7-Zip download
ratio. The program supports 7z, ZIP, RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, CHM, CPIO, RPM, DEB, GZIP, BZIP2, Z and TAR formats. Compression ratio in the new 7z format is 30-50% better than ratio in ZIP format. Also 7-Zip compresses to ZIP 2-10% better than PKZip and WinZip. 7-Zip has additional powerful command line version and FAR Manager support. 7-Zip is a file archiver with the highest compression…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 2798 | Author: Igor Pavlov | Size: 820 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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4.EF Commander 5.00 ( free  EF Commander download
ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO formats. * Encode/Decode files in UUE, XXE and MIME format. * Create/Verify SFV-/MD5-/SHA1-Checksums. * CR LF translate (Macintosh, DOS, and UNIX). * Split/Combine big files. * Built-in…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 75 | Author: Emil Fickel | Size: 3607 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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5.EF Find 3.20 ( free  EF Find download
ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO archives. Multilingual. Shareware, FREE Updates. EF Find is a powerful search program. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside 7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Emil Fickel | Size: 1808 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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6.Simplyzip 1.1b63 ( free  Simplyzip download
CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH,BZ2,SQX, RS,UUE,XXE,BASE64,UCL,ARJ,ZLIB, RPM, DEB,7-ZIP Create: 7z,ZIP,CZIP,Cab,LHA,TAR,TAR GZ TAR BZ2,ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX and RAR-SFX UUE/XXE ZLIB and Base64. This program is FREEWARE. Further features: MULTI-ZIP.Backup to disk (CD…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 1552 | Author: Dirk Paehl | Size: 1772 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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7.Simplyzip 1.1b63 ( free  Simplyzip download
CAB, RAR, TAR, GZIP, LZH,BZ2,SQX, RS,UUE,XXE,BASE64,UCL,ARJ,ZLIB, RPM, DEB,7-ZIP Create: 7z,ZIP,CZIP,Cab,LHA,TAR,TAR GZ TAR BZ2,ACE (optionale DLL), Deepfreezer SQX, UCL, RS, ZIP-SFX/LHA-SFX and RAR-SFX UUE/XXE ZLIB and Base64. This program is FREEWARE. Further features: MULTI-ZIP.Backup to disk (CD…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 0 | Author: Dirk Paehl | Size: 1772 kb | Freeware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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8.ZipZag 1.73 ( free  ZipZag download
Pit), Linux/Unix archives (Bzip2, C, Cpio, Deb, Devpak, F, Gzip, Rpm, Shar, Slp, Tar, Tardist, Taz, Tbz, Tgz, Tpz, Txf, Tz, Tzb, Z, Zba), encoded files (B64, Bhx, Bnh, Boo, Btoa, Enc, Hqx, Ish, Ntx, Uue, Xxe, Yenc), application archives (Boe, Bol, Dwz, Dxstudio, Eba, Fwp, Gbm, Mar, Mbf, Pgz, Ppz, Sxc, Sxw, Xpi, Xsn, Zds), game levels (Bfl, Bos, Crf, Gro, Hog, Mn3, Pak, Pk3, Vl2, Wad…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 4267 | Author: Gabriel Valentin Cristescu | Size: 3675 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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Home > Rpm software

Backup Manager 2.5
Backup Manager offers a 2 Week Free Trial of its automated, encrypted, offsite data backup service. Download the software and upload your…
Random Test Generator-PRO 8.2
Create screen, paper or Internet tests based on randomly selected questions from large databanks. Allows the use of graphics, animations…
PocoMail 4.0
A powerful email program that does not compromise your privacy or security. The streamlined interface never gets in your way, with many…

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