! - M8 Multi Clipboard and Screen Capture 4.20
The M8 multi clipboard captures everything that you cut or copy from any program, text or graphics. It also captures screen shots and web…
SpeedySearch 1.26
SpeedySearch is a metasearch application which lets you search multiple major search engines simultaneously from your desktop. Results are…
Example:  ACDSee
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MSCPack for Linux 1.2
MSCPack is a collection of Miraplacid Scripting Components. It includes MSCUpload 1.1, MSCGzip 1.1, MSCExec 1.1 and MSCBlob 1.1.
Domain Name Commando 1.0
Protect your domain names. Automatically polls the appropriate whois servers for your domains, sending you email alerts with before and…
Compass 2.83
Compass has been a popular and powerful bookmark manager program since its first release in January, 1997. It supports three most popular…

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