Tech-Pro World Clock 1.54
World Clock is a desktop clock that shows the current time and date, plus the local time in major cities, overlaid on a world map that can…
Visual Code Scan 6 1.0
Scan Visual Basic 6 projects for dead code, unused and undeclared variables, and functions with no return type. This program will also…
Example:  KaZaA
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EmailVerifier 5.0
Keep your email lists up to date and remove email addresses which do not exist any longer.
Schneemann / Snowman 6.00.0595
Enchanting word game for one to four children that's played along the same lines as the popular word game Hangman. The object is to guess…
SDE for Eclipse (ME) for Windows 3.2 Modeler Edition
SDE for Eclipse is a UML modeling tool tightly integrated with Eclipse. SDE supports reverse engineering (Java code to UML model), code…

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