Mentext 1.0
Mentext is an AI technology for working with plain English text, supplied as a software component. Using Mentext, developers can enable…
AnyWhere Pro 6.3
AnyWhere 6 Pro allows you to right click on files and folders to copy, move, zip, rename, and securely delete them. Copying filenames to…
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Home > Palm pilot applications software

Shooting Star 2.5.12
Shooting Star is the intelligent auction management system. It uses a workflow system to efficiently move your auctions from start to…
SpyBuddy 3.7
SpyBuddy is a powerful monitoring and surveillance suite for PC's. SpyBuddy will record all PC and Internet browsing habits for you to…
WebSurveyor 4.117
WebSurveyor offers the tools you need to create, publish, announce and collect results from your surveys. The powerful desktop software…

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