X-MailBuilder 2.0
Email Scaner, Create the databases e-Mail addresses, Sender of Email Includes SMTP server…
Player 1.5.0
Audio and video player, playlist editor, mp3 tags editor. Supported formats including MP3, WAV, MID, WMA, CDA, AVI, MPG, ASF, WMV, WM, SND…
Example:  ACDSee
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1.UltraISO Media Edition (ezbsystems.com) free  UltraISO Media Edition download
nearly all known data CD/DVD image formats to ISO, BIN/CUE, Nero (.NRG) or CloneCD (.CCD/.IMG/.SUB) format. It can be used as CD image extractor/creator/editor/converter with CD burning software and virtial CD drive program (works like WinISO, but more stable). You can also make menu driven, multiboot CDs and DVDs with add-on tools. UltraISO supports more than 30 data CD image…
Updated: 3, 2006 | Rating: 39211 | Author: EZB Systems | Size: 2727 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > Other
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2.ISO Commander 1.6.039 (turtleblast.com) free  ISO Commander download
and changing, direct images editing, convention from BIN/ISO/DAO/TAO/NRG images into standard ISO file and much more. You able to do the following operations: * Edit image files and folders using drag'n'drop. * Create image from files on your hard disc drive. * Add to the new or existing image boot image and also change or delete it. * Add, delete, rename and extract files and…
Updated: 2, 2006 | Rating: 9642 | Author: Roland Chanishvili | Size: 981 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File & Disk Management
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3.ZipZag 1.73 (zipzag.com) free  ZipZag download
Atr, Chm, D64, Dbx, Grp, Ha, Hdf, Img, Iso, Lzo, Lzx, Mbx, Mpq, Msi, Nrg, Pp, Ppm, Scl, Sff, Sis, Trd), skins, themes and collections (Cbr, Cbz, Curxptheme, Dxtheme, Ice, Iptheme, Logonxp, Obpack, Skn, Wal, Wb0, Wb1, Wba, Wba, Wbc, Wbp, Wbz, Wmz, Wmz, Wsz, Wsz, Xptheme, Yfs, and many more). Some of…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 4267 | Author: Gabriel Valentin Cristescu | Size: 3675 kb | Shareware
Go to category: System Utilities > File Compression
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Server Maintenance Portal 3.2
IT Asset Management Software that collects hardware and software assets across the network. SMP also works with Microsoft Baseline Security…
POOX - The Ultimate disease for PocketPC2000 MIPS 1.1
POOX mixes subtly immediate dexterity and mid term strategy planning. Like all truly fun games, Poox is easy to understand, fun to play…
VeriFinger Standard SDK 4.2
VeriFinger Standard SDK is intended for most biometric system developers. This SDK contains interfaces for some of the major fingerprint…

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