Advanced Data Grid Control 3.6
The java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data in rows & columns in java & web applications. Powerful features include Fast…
Window Hide Tool 1.9
Window Hide Tool will help you to quickly hide a window of any application. You can set hotkeys for basic program commands: hide a window…
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Bmp software

miniPick 1.6.0
miniPick is a utility for creating and viewing colors. It can be especially useful for programmers and web designers because you can create…
Spam OFF 1.5
Spam OFF is one of the most effective anti-spam software available. It works “right out of the box”, yet is highly customizable. Spam…
Astute Stock2000 3.1
Stock2000 A fully featured Windows based stock control system capable of holding over 1.2 million stock items, Stock 2000 is able to link…

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