PPCInstallBuilder Express 1.0
PPCInstallBuilder Express builds installation files for Pocket PC's. Features of the Express version are: Customization of data (Company…
EF System Monitor 3.20
EF System Monitor is a Windows program that shows you comprehensive information about your local or remote (over TCP/IP) system resources…
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Home > Mdi side panel software

Wildcats screensaver 1.0
Love cute cats? But what would you say, if on your screen suddenly appeared a mighty tiger or a shrewd panther or a Lion King? Try them now…
RichOrPoor 1.80
Easily and quickly manage your daily personal financial affairs such as cash, savings, checking, credit cards, liabilities, creditor's…
Dr.Tag 3.0.1
With an intuitive interface, Dr.Tag let's you organize your MP3, Ogg Vorbis and WMA collection in no time. Features like renaming…

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