SecExFile Home 1.1
SecExFile brings one-click file protection to the desktop. It integrates with Windows Explorer to make securing your personal or corporate…
CompuApps DriveWizard V1.37
Simple windows tool to move all your data like boot information, registery etc byte by byte to an another hard drive with ease and makes…
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Home > Grain software

AccuSplit 3.7.1
Splits large files into smaller segments to allow for easy archival to CD-R, Zip or floppy disks. It uses a cryptographic algorithm to…
Auto Type 2.1
Auto Type 2.1 Auto Type Complete words that are typed in windows applications When a matching word his typed a list of words it displayed…
Virtual Impact 1.1
This innovative single-player 3-D game is best described as a combination of space combat and soccer. The player's ship fires small balls…

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