Crossdown Game Edition 6.0
Real crossword puzzles on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of crosswords exactly like the ones found in newsp…
Extra Dialer Pro 3.0 (beta 4)
The program lets you record your voice message and store it on your PC until it is transmitted. After transmitting your voice message, it…
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Home > Scand software

RJ System File Checker 2.0
Getting a lot of Illegal Operations? The problem may be with old versions of system files conflicting with new versions of the same system…
Catfood FTP 2.00.0070a
Catfood FTP (CFTP) is a rich command-line FTP tool that is well suited to updating web sites. CFTP supports transferring entire directory…
123 Other File 2.0
Another file is intended for automatic download pictures and other file attachments from newsgroups. Just select the groups to scan and…

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