River Past Video Slice 4.10.2 Trim or split videos from 3GPP/3GPP2, ASF, AVI, DAT, DivX, DV, MOV, MP4, MPEG-1, RM/RAM, WMV, and Xvid to AVI, WMV, DivX, XviD, or DV
Active Screen Scenes 1.0 Active Screen Scenes(tm) v1.0 is a screen saver system which allows you to create and view multimedia slideshows and presentations
'IE Save Buddy 1.0 An easy tool help you surf much easier.Save any part of a page with perfect style,save a full page (includes images,scripts,links,etc.)
EmailVerifier 5.0 Keep your email lists up to date and remove email addresses which do not exist any longer.
MoRUN.net Sticker 5.0 Desktop Notes software. Sticky Notes program for Windows. Attach files/urls to sticky note; send sticky notes over Internet/LAN; modify