MidiToX 1.0
With MidiToX you connect to our server, upload MID and RMI files and get back high quality audio files on the desired format (WAV, MP3, OGG…
SImpressions 1.02
With this program you can produce your own photograph presentations. You can assign every picture a text which the Microsoft Agent® reads…
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Home > F 22 software

GoogImager 2.0
Advanced Image Search with Google and AltaVista search engines. GoogImager - a small utility for making a query to the some images search…
All About Herbs 1
Herbal CD ROM - cooking, medicinal, growing herbs & vegetables organically in raised beds. Solar greenhouse / cloche designs, photos…
SysTracker 2.0
Monitor multi computer activity and Internet use, track, record, calculate and analyze application running time.

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